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If you own an Apple mobile device, such as the iPad mini or iPhone 5, you know how easy it can be to waste time on these electronics. This is not always a bad thing, as a new app or game can help make the commute to and from work on a crowded subway just that much more bearable. The app store has always been a huge moneymaker for the tech giant, as creators flock to work with Apple to release new games or other features that they have spent years working on and developing.

One of the ways Apple is improving customer satisfaction in the app store is by focusing on a person's ability to discover new games and features while surfing on their smartphones or tablets. Apple announced the creation of a "Best New Updates" section in the store, which will focus on new games and features that are available for users to purchase and download right away. This will make it easier for people to be exposed to a whole host of new games that they might have missed, separating them from the long list of titles that are available to purchase.

The Best New Updates section currently includes 20 titles, ranging from really popular titles to those that are a little more obscure. The tweaks to the gaming section of the app store is part of Apple's overall goals of enhancing user ability, so they can have the best possible experience with their Apple devices.

If you are in the market for a new Apple product, be sure to shop with PortableOne today! Check out the rest of our website to see the wide selection of high-quality electronics that we offer.

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