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Whether your computer falls victim to a hacker or a simple hardware glitch, just a single stroke of bad luck could wipe everything you've stored up on your laptop. You don't want to risk losing all of your photos, videos, music and important documents, which is why you should take the necessary steps to ensure the protection of everything saved on your Macbook Air or iCloud backup.

Here are a few more ways to keep your iCloud data safe:

  • Backup to external sources: Use a backup device, such as a flash drive or external hard drive, to keep your precious documents or photos safe. That way, if there is an issue with the cloud, you will not lose everything that you care about on your laptop.
  • Encrypt the data: If you have any sensitive information on your laptop, you might want to consider using an encryption software. You will then have peace of mind that your laptop is safe and secure from hackers and other potential cyberattacks.
  • Review terms of service: Whenever you are opening an account with a new service, you want to make sure that you look over the terms and services pertaining to security and privacy. If anything gives you pause or concerns you, be sure to talk to the customer service department if possible.

If you are interested in purchasing a new Apple device, be sure to shop with PortableOne today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the high-quality products that we offer, whether you want a new laptop, such as the Macbook Pro, or the Apple TV.

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