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Keeping your personal information secure doesn't have to be difficult, as long as you know how to properly protect your data. While this system can seem somewhat convoluted and difficult to understand, the truth is that there are several different steps you can take in order to make sure that hackers can't gain access to your Apple ID or steal any financial or other information you might have stored away on your Macbook Pro or smartphone.

Here are a few tips to help keep your data secure and protected:

  • Back everything up offline: The most important thing you can do is keep all of your important data backed up offline. That way, if your laptop or smartphone are in any way compromised, you won't have to worry about losing the files - such as pictures or music - that are most valuable to you.
  • Create a strong password: One of the simplest - but most effective - things you can do is create a password that hackers will have a difficult time guessing it. Don't use any personal information in it -- like a name or birthday -- and be sure to use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and specialized symbols. Also be sure to change and update your passwords regularly.
  • Stay off public WiFi: While it might be tempting to take advantage of public WiFi when you are out and about, you should avoid it whenever you can. Hackers can exploit the community wireless information and use the WiFi in order to hack connected smartphones and laptops.

If you are interested in purchasing a new Apple device, such as the Macbook Air, be sure to shop with PortableOne today!

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