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Laptops can be very fragile machines, even if you have a relatively durable device such as a Macbook Pro or Macbook Air. One of the best things you can do while using your computer is to make sure that it does not become overheated. If this happens, the heat can damage the internal operating system of the machine, not to mention be physically uncomfortable if the computer is on your lap. Ensuring that the device stays cool throughout an extended period of time can be easier than you think.

Here are a few tips to keep your Macbook from overheating:

  • Clean out the fans: It is possible for dust and other household debris to get into the fans and vents of your computer, so you should clean them out on a regular basis. This will allow them to do their jobs properly.
  • Don't use it in hot environments: You should only be operating the device in areas that are on the cooler side. If a room is above 80 degrees, or the outside temperature is too hot, you should avoid bringing your computer to that spot and subjecting it to environments it cannot handle.
  • Keep it elevated: The best thing you can do is invest in a stand that will keep the laptop elevated off of whatever surface you are using it on. This will allow every fan to vent out properly, so you won't have to worry about them becoming blocked up and the heat internalizing inside the machine.

If you are in the market for a new Apple device, be sure to shop with PortableOne today! Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about the products that we offer our customers.

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