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If you have owned your Macbook Pro for more than a few years, chances are it is being weighed down a little bit by all of the different videos, photos, documents and apps you have saved on it over time. This can make your computer seem sluggish, which is certainly something you want to avoid while you are using it fairly often. Luckily, there are plenty of steps you can take to help purge your computer of everything on it that is unnecessary to open up space and help it run faster.

Here are a few tips for cleaning up your Macbook's storage:

  • Clear your internet cache: You should go into your browser history regularly and clear out the cache to speed up your internet browsing. You don't have to do this too often, but at least once or twice a month should suffice.
  • Delete duplicate data: We all have files or apps on our computer that are copies of something we have previously saved, which don't need to be taking up space on our computers. Be sure to go through everything you have downloaded and get rid of anything that has been saved multiple times.
  • Restart the machine: Whenever you make updates to the laptop's operating system or other software installed, make sure to reboot the computer so that those changes actually take effect.

If you are interested in purchasing a new Apple product, such as the Macbook Air, be sure to shop with PortableOne today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the high-quality products that we offer.

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