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Retailers fear effects of Ebola epidemic on brick and mortar business

by | Sunday, October 19, 2014 | 0 comment(s)
Retailers fear effects of Ebola epidemic on brick and mortar business

Online shopping is likely to see a significant rise, following the above scenario, with more shoppers avoiding crowded malls and stores, in favor of placing online orders on laptops and tablets, which could result in record numbers for stores able to ship merchandise through online ordering.

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Apple iPad and Mac event on October 16, 2014: what to expect, and what to wish for.

by | Saturday, October 11, 2014 | 0 comment(s)
Apple iPad and Mac event coming next week: what to expect, and what to wish for.

Next Thursday, October 16th 2014, Apple hits the stage for the second time, in a much smaller setting, this time around, at the Cupertino headquarters, where media outlets have been invited directly by the company.

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Windows 10 big announcement in San Francisco puts Microsoft back on track

by | Thursday, October 2, 2014 | 0 comment(s)
Windows 10 big announcement in San Francisco puts Microsoft back on track

Microsoft Windows 10 has been officially announced, in the wake of many image leaks, surprisingly close to the live demo presented by Myerson, featuring the highly anticipated return of the start menu, getting back to basics with the familiar and time-tested layout, enhanced with resizable live tiles.

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