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Chromebooks - laptops that run on Google's Chrome OS operating system rather than using Microsoft Windows - have been popular lately, as they provide a compact, streamlined computing solution. They're typically smaller than 12 inches and are meant for heavy internet usage and travel.

According to market research firm NPD, Chromebook sales totaled 1.76 million in 2013, over four times as many sold in 2012. They accounted for 21 percent of all notebook sales this year. 

Chromebooks are very different from a typical MacBook Pro or Air laptop, for a number of reasons. Not only do they have a different operating system, but they're web-based, meaning that the applications they run are essentially websites with more functionality. The computer itself performs less work and uses less power, making them ideal for situations in which mobility is important.

However, professional users may find these systems lacking. While a MacBook Air - which is about the same size as a typical Chromebook - features Intel Core i5 and i7 processors, Chromebooks usually come equipped with CPUs that are much slower and less powerful. You'll be able to type documents and surf the web, but not much more.

With a MacBook Air, you can edit photos and videos, play high-end games and perform other intensive tasks while still retaining the Air's great battery life. Despite its performance, the Air still features a razor-thin profile and lightweight design that will fit in just about any purse or backpack. For more information, make sure to check out PortableOne's online store today!

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