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The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus - the latest generation in Apple's line of smartphones - were finally released last week after months of intense speculation and anticipation. While the newest models were met with a great degree of acclaim, not to mention record-setting sales, the physical model of the Plus itself has been plagued with apparent design problems.

On Thursday, September 25, Apple released a statement to the press discussing what has become known as "Bendgate" - the reports of iPhone 6 Pluses literally bending in the pockets of users while being carried around. While this has occurred with some phones, the company has stressed that it is actually fewer and farther between than what is being reported.

"iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus meet or exceed all of our high quality standards to endure everyday, real life use," the statement says. "With normal use a bend in iPhone is extremely rare and through our first six days of sale, a total of nine customers have contacted Apple with a bent iPhone 6 Plus. As with any Apple product, if you have questions please contact Apple."

This is good news for those who want to invest in the new iPhone, but might have been made skeptical given these recent reports. The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are up to the same manufacturing standards that have defined the company so far, which means you will be purchasing a high-quality product from Apple.

If you are in the market for a new Apple device, be sure to shop with PortableOne today! We offer a wide range of high-quality electronics, from the Macbook Air to the Apple TV. Check out the rest of our website to browse the many Apple accessories we sell.

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