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While Apple laptops are durable devices, they still need to be taken care of carefully. This is especially true of the screen itself, which is the most sensitive and vulnerable part of the entire machine. Whether you have a Macbook Pro, Macbook Air or a tablet, you need to pay particular attention to the screen to safeguard it against dust, grime and cracks. Luckily you can easily keep your computer's screen up and running as long as possible by following a few simple guidelines.

Here are a few tips to help you protect your Macbook's screen from damage:

  • Shut it slowly: One of the worst things you can do for the screen is slam the laptop closed or shut it too quickly. That kind of intense motion can end up cracking the screen, so you really need to take your time when shutting your computer. It may not seem like much, but even a simple action like this can make all the difference for your screen's durability.
  • Transport it carefully: Whenever you are moving around with your laptop, be sure that the computer is stored safely away in a bag that has sufficient padding or other protective material.
  • Use the right cleaning products: When cleaning off the screen, it is crucial that you use only the right products. All you need is a clean and soft lint-free microfiber cloth and a small amount of specialized cleaning solution to get the job done. Avoid using tissues or paper towels as wipes, as these rub too harshly on a screen and can leave behind dust or even cracks.

If you are interested in a new Apple device, be sure to shop with PortableOne today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the products that we offer.

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