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iPhone 6 might feature LED logo for notifications

According to images sourced exclusively by U-Switch [Image credits: U-Switch] there seems to be a strong possibility that the iPhone 6 will feature a light-up Apple logo similar to the one featured on many Apple laptops, such as the MacBook Pro.

When comparing the rear panel with all previous iPhones, the logo on all existing models is merely engraved on the back of a solid case. In the iPhone 6, however, the rear logo appears to be built as a separate component covering a hole in the rear panel. The plastic used for the logo seems to be also thin enough to allow a potential LED to shine through at different levels of brightness.

Without further clues, it’s difficult to determine whether the light-up logo will feature different colors, but it seems Apple is truly determined to release an iPhone unlike all others, under every aspect.

This design direction is very compatible with Apple’s commitment to the enterprise world, especially in the wake of last year’s deal with IBM.

One of Apple’s major focus is the ability to work seamlessly across different devices, from Mac OS to iOS. If Apple’s history is any indication of their commitment to consistency in design, the addition of an LED Apple logo on the back of future iPhone versions is definitely the cherry on top of Apple’s marketing strategy to appeal to the business world.

The ability to share and collaborate across a host of Apple devices is in increasingly high demand in the business world, and a cohesive style across devices helps solidify Apple as a business brand, and create a visual reminder of Apple’s presence in enterprise. This is why it’s very likely that speculations surrounding a LED Apple logo for the iPhone 6 will turn accurate.

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