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Android L will increase battery life up to 36%

Android users will enjoy a dramatic increase in battery life, up to 36%, thanks to the upcoming Android L killer feature: Project Volta.

Project Volta, introduced as one of the amazing new Android L developments at Google I/O, not only adds a revolutionary algorithm capable of optimizing the way apps are accessed and run in a more power-efficient way, it also provides tools that allow developers to create increasingly battery-efficient apps.

According to benchmark tests run by Ron Amadeo (Ars Technica), on a Nexus 5 device running the developer version of Android L, Project Volta significantly improved battery performance, pushing the device to last two hours longer than the same device running KitKat.

The Devil in the Details

Project Volta’s “secret recipe” is a special consideration to the collection of smaller tasks and functions that come to life as the device is in standby. These numerous applications and features quickly add up, taking away a full two minutes of stand-by battery power for every second a notification or other event comes to life.

For instance, on the device of a particularly active user, there may be over fifty applications, many of which may push notifications to the lock screen, the device LEDs and cause vibration and sound alerts.

It’s safe to assume that many users experience a near-constant sequence of notifications on an hourly basis, which can result in users frustration over how short battery life is on their devices, forgetting how much impact is made by apps running on the background while the device is on standby.

Project Volta is set to completely rearrange the way future versions of Android, starting with Android L, manage power consumption, from system applications to third party apps.

A new API included into the developer version of Android L is designed to provide network activity awareness, which alerts apps of an active connection they can use, instead of automatically connect by their own accord on a scheduled basis.

Network activity awareness is but one of the several innovation brought by Google’s Project Volta. See the video below for an overview of Project Volta at Google I/O:

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